No YouTube channel is complete without some customized banner artwork. Employ Adobe Photoshop to make a YouTube imprint.

When new people visit your YouTube folio, they're greeted with a header epitome that runs beyond the top of the web page or mobile screen. This is called a banner, and information technology'due south part of branding for whatsoever aspiring YouTuber.

Well-nigh creators on YouTube have a imprint that showcases their name and as well a pic of them—or a meaningful symbol. Some are even more creative, combining many images, using effects, drawing shapes and shadows. Visit your favorite YouTube accounts and see what type of artwork they apply for their banners. Before you begin the tutorial, take a couple ideas in listen! Endeavour writing them downwardly on a sheet of newspaper and continue it on manus as you begin designing to brand steps three and four easier.

How to Create YouTube Channel Art

  1. Create a new Photoshop certificate.
    For a banner, YouTube recommends the dimensions of 2560 pixels wide and 1440 pixels alpine. As you create your document, remember that anyone using a phone will simply see the middle of the banner. Don't put any important design elements on the far right or left of the image when you make a YouTube banner because those might not be seen by all viewers!
  2. Add together a background colour or texture.
    Create a groundwork layer outset and make full it with a color of your choice. Yous can either go to Edit > Fill > Color or utilize the brushes to describe on a manifestly layer.
    Make a YouTube Banner I created this texture past using the chalk brush in dark yellow over a lite yellow background. Then, I added a white chalk circle in the middle.

    I similar to fill with a solid colour, similar this light blueish, and and then utilize brushes to add light texture on top.
  3. Drop in whatever of your elements.
    If y'all want to utilize photos or images from your computer, elevate and drib them into the file. You lot can use gratis transform (command+T) to resize whatever elements that come in too big or small.
    Make a YouTube Banner with Cutout

    A lot of channels use a cutout image of the creator. I made this cutout in one of my other tutorials. If you want to learn how to edit effectually the wisps of pilus, you tin learn how to cut out an image. In one case I have my photo dropped in, I like to brand it black-and-white so that it fits into whatever color scheme. (To brand an image Blackness and White, become to Epitome > Adjustments > Black and White. And so, adjust brightness and contrast.) You tin play effectually with tinting the photo as well. (To tint a photo, get to Prototype > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation and click "colorize.")
  4. Add your text.
    Click the text tool and drag a box on your file to create a text layer. You tin can create multiple text layers if y'all want text in multiple places. I chose a very basic font called Sofia for the sake of this tutorial, but feel free to play effectually with some fun font options and combinations. On Adobe Typekit, you can install new typefaces with the click of a button and they will immediately announced in Photoshop for you to use!
    Creating Custom YouTube Channel Art

    Not a fan of obviously text? If you're looking for inspiration, a common tendency right at present is creating a glitch effect with text in Photoshop.
  5. Export using File > Save for web (legacy)...
    Once you are content with your background, yous can export it equally a .jpeg or .png file and upload to YouTube! Utilize the "Save for web (legacy)" options in Photoshop to select your desired epitome quality. The dimensions should be correct since you created them in step one. Now, y'all are ready to upload information technology to YouTube!