Textbook Used:

Foundations and Pre-calculus Mathematics 10

by Pearson Canada

Chapter 1 – Measurement

Suggested Homework:

1.1 – #3,7
1.2 Math Lab- Measurement asn't (chart)
Mid Chapter review p.25 #1-8 (omit 5b and 5c)
1.6#3-13 odd,20
Review asn't #1,2a,3,4,6,7,8,9,11,13,15,19,20,21,22,27

*Videos for this course a few years old, pardon the audio and the writing program I use. The more current videos on my website / youtube channel have improved although I know these will help you. I plan on re-recording these videos in the future.

  • FM 10 1.1 #1of2​ Imperial units (Foundations of Math and Pre-Calculus 10)
  • FM 10 1.1 #2of2​ Imperial units (Foundations of Math and Pre-Calculus 10)
  • FM 10 1.1 Imperial conversion example
  • FM 10 1.2 Math Lab
  • FM 10 1.3 Metric/Imperial Conversion example
  • FM 10 1.3 Ex 2 Metric Imperial Conversion
  • FM 10 1.4 Surface Area of pyramids #1of4
  • FM 10 1.4 Surface Area of pyramids #2of4
  • FM 10 1.4#3of4 Surface Area of Cone
  • FM 10 1.4#4of4 Surface Area of Cone
  • FM 10 1.5 Volume of pyramid #1of3
  • FM 10 1.5 Volume of pyramid #2of3
  • FM 10 1.5 Volume of pyramid #3of3
  • FM 10 1.5 Volume of Pyramid Example
  • FM 10 1.6 (#1of2) Surface area of a Sphere
  • FM 10 1.6 (#2of2) Volume of a Sphere – Volume and Surface area of a Hemisphere as well
  • FM 10 1.7 Composite Objects Surface Area and Volume
  • FM 10 1.7 Composite object suface area example

Chapter 2 – Trigonometry

2.1 #3, 4, 5, 9, 17, 19
2.2 #3ad, 4ab, 5ac, 6, 10, 13
Assess Your Understanding p.88 #1-5
2.3 #2, 3
2.4 #5ad, 6ad, 7ad, 10a, 13
2.5 #3ad, 4ad, 5ad, 6, 8,12
2.6 #3ad, 4ad, 6ad, 8, 10, 15(optional)
2.7 #3ad, 4ad, 6, 8, 12
Review p. 124 – chose 10 questions – one from each section except for 2.3.

  • FM 10 2.1 Tangent Ratio
  • FM 10 2.2 Tangent Ratio to calculate lengths
  • FM 10 2.2 Tangent Homework problem
  • FM 10 2.2 Tangent ratio homework question #4
  • FM 10 2.3 Math Lab – Using Tangent to find Inaccessible height
  • FM 10 2.5 Sine Cosine to calculate lengths
  • FM 10 2.5 Example #3
  • FM 10 2.6 Applications of Trig ratios
  • FM 10 2.6 Sine Cosine Tangent solving triangles example
  • FM 10 2.6 Applying trig ratios homework example
  • FM 10 2.7 Solving Problems with More Than One Right Triangle Examples
  • FM 10 2.7 #6 Homework question

Chapter 3 – Factors and Products

3.1 Part 1 #4, 5ae, 6, 7, 8ace, 9a
3.1 Part 2 #3ace, 10ace, 11ac, 13, 15ace, 16ace, 18
3.2 #4ac, 5ac, 6ac, 7a, 8a, 10, 14
Assess Your Understanding p.149 #1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5, 8, 10
3.3 #7, 8, 10
3.5 #9, 10, 11, 14, 17, 20, 21
3.6 #8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19 (2 days – decomposition method (day 2) for 18 and 19)
Assess Your Understanding p. 180 #2aii,iv,vi,viii, 5ace, 6ace, 7ac, 8ac, 9ac
3.7 #4bd, 5bd, 8bd, 9b, 13b, 14, 17
3.8 #4ag, 8af, 10, 11ace, 12ace, 13bdf,18
Review#1b, 2b, 3b, 5b, 6b, 10, 11b, 12, 13, 14b, 18b, 19b, 25b, 27, 29b, 32, 33, 34

  • FM 10 3.1 Factors and Multiples
  • FM 10 3.1 Greatest Common Factor Example (prime factor method)
  • FM 10 3.1 Lowest Common Multiple Method one (listing multiples) example
  • FM 10 3.1 Lowest Common Multiple Example (Prime Factors Method)
  • FM 10 3.2 Perfect Squares, Perfect Cubes, and their Roots (2017)
  • FM 10 3.3 Factoring Introduction – THE MOST IMPORTANT SKILL!
  • FM 10 3.3 Factoring Polynomials (GCF)
  • FM 10 3.5 Binomial Multiplication (FOIL) (#1of2 for section 3.5)
  • FM 10 3.5 Factoring Trinomials including binomial multiplication review (#2of2 for section 3.5)
  • FM 10 3.5 Factoring Trinomial homework example
  • FM 10 3.6 Decomposition method of factoring trinomials
  • FM 10 3.7 Mulitplying polynomials using distributive property
  • FM 10 3.7 Examples of multiplying polynomials
  • FM 10 3.7 Multiplying Polynomials (Example)
  • FM 10 3.7 polynomial area example
  • FM 10 3.8 (#1of2) Perfect Square Trinomials
  • FM 10 3.8 (#2of2) Difference of Squares

Chapter 4 – Roots and Powers

4.1 #1, 2ae, 3bf, 5d
4.2 #3, 4, 5, 10b, 13, 14, 17, 19
4.3 #4, 5, 7, 9, 10bdfh, 11bdfh, 12bdfh, 16, 20, 24
Mid Unit Review p. 221 #1ac, 2ac, 3, 4ace, 5ac, 7, 9ac, 11ac.
4.4 #3, 4, 5, 6, 8a, 10ad, 11ad, 12ad, 13ad, 19
4.5 #3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13
4.6 #3bd, 4bd, 5bd, 6bd, 7bd, 9bdfh, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 21
Review Asn't p. 246 #1-4, 6bdf, 8, 9, 11, 12, 17bd, 18bd, 19bd, 26, 28b, 29b, 30b, 32b

  • FM 10 Radicals Ch.4 Introduction
  • FM 10 4.1 Estimating Roots and Intro to Radicals
  • FM 10 4.3 Simplifying Radicals #1of2
  • FM 10 4.3 (part #2) Mixed and Entire Radicals
  • FM 10 4.4 Fractional exponents and Radicals
  • FM 10 4.5 Negative Exponents and Reciprocals
  • FM 10 4.6 Applying Exponent Laws

Chapter 5 – Relations and Functions

5.1 #3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13
5.1 #3, 7
5.2 #4-8,10
5.3 #3-6, 8, 11, 17
5.4 Math Lab handout with graphing calculator application (Note: RCS graphing calculators need to be used in the classroom and cannot be taken home.) The video for 5.4 is not the asn't for 2018 sem 1
5.5 #4-12
5.6 #3-6, 7, 9, 15, choose one from 18-22 (optional)
5.7 #4-8, 12, 16
Review Asn't p. 326 #1-18 all

  • FM 10 5.1 Representing Relations (1819)
  • FM 10 5.2 Properties of functions
  • FM 10 5.3 Interpreting Graphs
  • FM 10 5.4 Using Graphing Technology to plot points in a relation
  • FM 10 5.4 Math Lab – Graphing Asn't
  • FM 10 5.5 Graphs of Functions
  • FM 10 5.5 Set Notation for Domain and Range
  • FM 10 5.5 Domain and Range from a Graph
  • FM 10 5.6 Properties of Linear Functions and y=mx+b
  • FM 10 5.6 Graphing linear function using slope and y intercept example
  • FM 10 5.7 Interpreting graphs of linear functions
  • FM 10 5.7 Graphing a Linear Function (#6b) homework
  • FM 10 Ch 5 Functions and Relations REVIEW

Chapter 6 – Linear Functions

6.1 #4, 5, 6bd, 7bd, 9bd, 11, 13, 16, 17
6.2 #3-6bd, 7, 8, 9bd, 16
6.3 #1, 4, 5
6.4 #4, 5, 6bd, 7bdf, 8, 9, 10bd, 11, 12, 17, 22
6.5 #4, 5, 6b, 7b, 8b, 9, 14, 18
6.6 #4-7, 8, 10, 12, 18, 22
Review p. 388 #1-5, 6bd, 7b, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 22, 25, 28

  • FM 10 6.1 Slope of a line
  • FM 10 6.2-6.3 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines, Slope, and y-Intercept
  • FM 10 Slope Review (6.1-6.2)
  • FM 10 6.3 exploring slope and y intercept
  • FM 10 6.4 slope y intercept form y=mx+b
  • FM 10 6.5 Point Slop Form (Shorter lesson)
  • FM 10 6.5 Point-Slope Form of a line
  • FM 10 6.5 point slope form to slope intercept form Example
  • FM 10 6.5 Point Slope Form example 2
  • Mr MathWell song – Point Slope form
  • FM 10 6.5 Converting Point Slope form to Slope Y-ntercept form of a line
  • FM 10 6.5 Point slope form example 3
  • FM 10 6.5 #9 Point Slope form homework question
  • FM 10 6.5 #18 Point Slope Form -Homework question
  • FM 10 6.6 General form of Linear relations
  • FM 10 6.6 (Part 2) Generate data from word problem, Graph, Determine equation
  • FM 10 6.6 General Form Mini Lesson
  • FM 10 6.6 General Form HOMEWORK QUESTIONS
  • FM 10 Ch 6 Review (#1of 2)- Big Ideas
  • FM 10 Ch 6 Review (#2of 2) – Skills Summary

Chapter 7 – Systems of linear Equations

7.1 #5, 6, 8, 13
7.2 #3, 4, 7, 12
7.3 #2, 4i,ii, 5 (System A only)
7.4 #4,8,10
7.5 #3, 6
7.6 #4, 5, 7, 15, 19
Ch 7 review p452 # 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9b, 10b, 15, 18, 20 (optional)

  • FM 10 7.1 Systems of Linear Equations Lesson (2019)
  • FM 10 7.1 Systems of Linear Equations – Example 2
  • FM 10 7.2 Solving Systems of Linear equations by graphing
  • FM 10 7.2 Solving System of Linear Equations Using technology Example
  • FM 10 7.3 Solving linear system of equations using Graphing Calculator
  • FM 10 7.2 and 7.3 Solving systems of linear equations Graphically (including graphing technology)
  • FM 10 7.4 Substitution Method of Solving Systems of Linear Equations
  • FM 10 7.4 Substitution example with Graphing Technology Check
  • FM 10 7.5 Elimination Strategy for Solving Linear Equations
  • FM 10 7.5 Solving Systems of Linear Equations (Elimination example #1)
  • FM 10 7.5 Solving Systems of Linear Equations Example #2 (Elimination)
  • FM 10 7.5 Elimination example #3- fractional coefficients (Solving Systems of Linear Equations)
  • FM 10 7.5 Elimination example #4- decimals (Solving Systems of Linear Equations)
  • FM 10 7.5 another Elimination Example
  • FM 10 7.6 Properties of Systems of Equations
  • FM 10 Ch 7 Review 2018 2019